

Song List Type

Default: No Submenu

There are several submenu options to make finding your Lyric File quicker.

Open List to Last Song

Default: Disabled

If this option is enabled with the user opens a song menu the user will be returned to the same song previously selected. If this option is not enabled the user will be returned to the start of the menu

Mp3 Control Bar

Default: Enabled

If this option is enabled a control bar will appear at the bottom of the Lyric Display when a backing track is playing


Default: Enabled

If this option is enabled a metronome appear on the right bottom of the Lyric Display when a lyric file contains both the @!bpmXXX and @!beatsXX lyric tags

Side View

Default: Enabled

If this option enabled AND the lyric file has a @!sideview tag in it the vertical side view column on the right side of the screen will be displayed

Main Page Buttons

Default: Enabled

If this option is enabled the quick action buttons on the lyric display screen will be visible. Note: if disabled all actions are still available by pressing the menu button on your android device.

Button Size

Default: 50

The size of the on screen buttons in dip units.

Lyrics Folder

Default: /sdcard/LyricPad/Lyrics/

This option is where you can define where you will store your Lyric Files. Selecting this option will open a directory picker component. Browse to the directory that you wish to use and then press the back button on your android device to select the directory. Note: Android will only give Lyric Pad read/write access to certain areas in the file system

Setlist Folder

Default: /sdcard/LyricPad/SetLists/

This option is where you can define where you will store your Set List Files. Selecting this option will open a directory picker component. Browse to the directory that you wish to use and then press the back button on your android device to select the directory.

Backing Track Folder

Default: /sdcard/LyricPad/Backing/

This option is where you can define where you will store your mp3 Backing Track Files. Selecting this option will open a directory picker component. Browse to the directory that you wish to use and then press the back button on your android device to select the directory.

Script Automation

Default: Enabled

If this option is enabled AND the lyric file contains @!xx automation tags then script automation will be used Refer to the automation help file for detailed information on automation features.

Non-Script Automation

Default: Enabled

If this option enabled AND there is no other types of automation utilised for a file then Non-Scripted Automation will be used. ie. After x seconds the lyrics will scroll up the screen until the end of file is reached. Refer to the automation help file for detailed information on automation features.

Intelligent Non-Script Automation

Default: Enabled

If this option enabled AND there is no scripted automation AND there is a @!duration tag in a file then Intelligent Non-Scripted Automation will be used. Refer to the automation help file for detailed information on automation features.

Non-Script Delay

Default: 90 Sec

The length of time in seconds before Non-Script Automation will commence

Automation Scroll Speed

Default: 4

The scroll speed for automation. Note: Can be overwritten by the @!speedxx tag for specific Lyric Files. This is the number of pixels that the screen will move with every update (Update every 250ms which is 4 updates per second)

Theme Selection

Default: White Text on Black

There are currently two display themes.

Lyric Font Size

Default: 22sp

The default font size for Lyric Text in sp units

Side View Font Size

Default: 22sp

The default font size for Side View Text in sp units

Side View Width

Default: 150dip

The width of the side view vertical column in dip units

Monospaced Font

Default: Disabled

If Enabled then all Lyric Text will be rendered in the monospaced font by default.

Set List Font Size

Default: 22sp

The default font size for Set List in sp units

Lyric Display Header

Default: Enabled

Generates a header and places it at the top of the lyric display including the song title and artist (if known)

Text Highlighting

Default: Enabled

Enables text highlighting within the Lyric Display

Highlight Special Words

Default: Enabled

Enables highlighting of special words such as Verse, Chorus, Coda, Instrumental, Bridge, Solo, etc

Highlight Chords

Default: Enabled

Enables highlighting (and auto detection) of chords

Curly Bracket Highlight Colour

Default: Yellow

Sets the colour to highlight text that is surrounded by curly brackets

Square Bracket Highlight Colour

Default: Red

Sets the colour to highlight text that is surrounded by square brackets

Special Word Highlight Colour

Default: Red

Sets the colour to highlight special words, if enabled

Chord Highlight Colour

Default: Red

Sets the colour to highlight chords, if enabled

Song Titles in Set Lists

Default: Enabled

If enabled shows the song titles in set lists, otherwise will show the file name

Set List Lyric Action

Default: No Action

This option allows the user to select what will happen to songs in a set list that have been played.

It should be noted that any "changes" to the setlists are temporary and when you return to the main menu are reversed. This means that you can use a setlist over and over.

Backing Track Start Delay

Default: 5 sec

The delay before the backing track will start once a lyric file is opened

BING Search Key

Default: Blank

The user can enter their personal BING Search API Key here allowing them their own personal quota of searches

Disable Screensaver

Default: Enabled

If Enabled will prevent the Android Device from going to a blank screen or screensaver state.

Disable File Scanning

Default: Disabled

Lyric Pad scans through lyric files for information on startup such as @!artist @!title @!genre tags. This process does take some time. This option will disable the scans on startup but will have the effect of disabling some of the features of Lyric Pad including:

It is not recommended that you enable this option.
